Wednesday, 16 March 2016



A leader- A person who takes control of a group of people by influencing them and managing them towards achieving a certain goal.

Characteristics of a good leader:
1.       A leader should have clear and direct communication with the people they manage. A leader should also be able to motivate the workers to work hard and achieve the goals of the business.

2.       A leader should possess the ability to listen to others and the feedback that they give.

3.       A leader should be able to think logically without letting personal emotions influence a decision that has to be made.

4.       A leader should be able to not only motivate other but be able to motivate themselves as well.

Types of leadership styles:

  •     Autocratic/ authoritarian- this type of leader makes all decisions on their own without any input from other members in the organization.
  •      Democratic/ Participative- a leader who discusses the decision with the other  workers in the firm, workers are encouraged to give their opinions and input.
  •     Paternalistic- these leaders they genuinely care for their workers. they have discussion with the staff and have consultation over the issue. workers are free to give their input. BUT the the manger makes the final decision.
  • Bureaucrtic-   a leader that uses complex and strict rules and regulations to manage the business. 
  • Laissez-faire-   this leader barely supervises or manages their staff.